Jyväskylä Festival
Linda Tillery and the Cultural Heritage Choir from USA and the singing group Rajaton are the stars of the Jyväskylä Festival in 2010. Also, contemporary circus, comedians, mimes and international stars of physical theatre. Splendid concerts aside and a special programme for children.
Tanja Rasi, Festival Manager, tanja.rasi@jkl.fi, www.jyvaskylankesa.fi
13 -18 July
Volvo Lake Paijanne Sailing Race
Every other year the harbour in Saynatsalo, a district of Jyvaskyla, hosts the Volvo Lake Paijanne Sailing Race, one of Europe's biggest sailing events on inland waterways for cruising yachts.
Mirka Kiljala, GSM +358 451140569, www.paijannepurjehdus.fi
23 - 24 July
Neste Oil Rally
Finland's most important motorsport event and it is part of the World Rally Championship. The event annually draws the largest attendance in the Nordic countries.
HelinaMaenpaa, City of Jyvaskyla, helina.maenpaa@jkl.fi, www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi
30 July - 1 August
Alvar Aalto Design Seminar
So far, the seminar has been held four times. Its themes have included the influence of artefacts and constructional details on the quality of buildings, empty spaces, the interaction of surface and content, and the choices made by designers.
Tomi Summanen, tomi.summanen@alvaraalto.fi, www.alvaraalto.fi
21 - 22 August
Athenis Finlandiae
A unique event dedicated to the Finnish summer and the Latin language in Europe. The programme is a mixture of art, science, culture and music.
Taru-Maija Heilala-Rasimov af@mukuta.fi, www.athenisfinlandiae.com
23 - 28 August
