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Meeting of the UBC Commission on Urban Planning

Dear Madam / Sir,

You are cordially invited to participate the next Union of the Baltic Cities Commission on Urban Planning Seminar “Planning the History and Future in Consonance” in Tartu, Estonia, between SEPTEMBER 19th and 21st. Tartu is the second largest city of Estonia that is often considered the intellectual and cultural hub of Estonia, especially since it is home to Estonia's oldest university from 1632. Tartu is situated 186 km southeast of the capital city Tallinn. You can find information about Tartu from the website: http://www.tartu.ee/?lang_id=2

We are waiting for You
with all our hospitality we have,
with the most modern conference rooms,
with our historical and modern city centres beside one another,
with the excursion visiting the Supilinn,
with the Mayor’s reception in the museum of our song festivals,
with Your ideas and problems about our city centre.

During the seminar we will get to know both the old and historical Tartu and the modern commercial city and on our behalf give our contribution to the future development of the city, combining the values of the old and bringing new ideas. The seminar workshops areas are presented in the enclosed file “ introducing the areas.pdf” and “workshop areas.pdf”.

Together with the late 1700’s and 1800’s empiric style old town we will see large wooden housing areas like Supilinn. We will also have special lectures about how to support city centres’ commercial activities and keeping city centres the real, alive centres they should be. The seminar agenda is enclosed in this invitation.

It is recommended that the seminar participants arrive in Tartu already on Sunday, September 18th, as the seminar programme starts early on Monday morning (Sept. 19th) at 9.00 o’clock. The seminar organizers have negotiated a special price for the participants at hotel London (www.londonhotel.ee) for 69€/single room/night or 85€/double room/night. The seminar participants are expected to make the hotel reservations themselves by e-mailing or faxing the enclosed hotel registration form to london@londonhotel.ee or fax. +372 730 5565. The deadline for this special price offer is September 2nd!

Also, don’t forget to send in the filled in registration form to Marju Laur (marju.laur@raad.tartu.ee) by August 26th.

How to come to Tartu?
If by plane, You have the possibility to choose between Tallinn and Tartu airports. The Tartu airport is a new and little one, so there are still great changes going on, also in flight schedules. If the flight schedule suits You, a shuttle takes You from the airport straight to Your hotel after arriving.
If Your travel schedule suits more using Tallinn Airport, You have to travel to Tartu. The Tartu bus station, as seen from the scheme of Tartu, is straight in the centre.

Hoping to see You in Tartu and wishing you a sunny summer!

Urmas Ahven
Mati Raamat
Indrek Ranniku
Marju Laur
and Sirpa Kallio, Chairperson of the UBC Commission on Urban Planning

Last modified: 23.09.2011 14:31
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