Commission on Education

Youth nature schools network

UBC Commission on Education sees its contribution to the implementation of the EU Strategy for the BSR in teaching the youth how and why they should protect the Baltic Sea. The Commission suggests creation of a network between Youth Nature Schools around the Baltic Sea / in UBC cities and in cooperation with the partners within the Baltic Sea protection programme for Youth Nature Schools. It aims at informing the youth about the risks and make them think what they can do for the Baltic Sea protection.

Recent Commission's meeting on 3 April in Tallinn was organised in connection with the Youth Nature Schools and Centers around the Baltic Sea. The target group were specialists of environment and representatives of nature schools. Creating the network was the main goal of the meeting. Interesting presentations and discussions, such as Environmental Education in Estonia (Reet Kristian, Environmental Office, Estonia), Nature Schools in Lithuania (Regina Kliminskiene, Nature School of Panevezys), Lakes as tools in Education (Karin Beronius, Erken Laboratory, Sweden) and Nature centre "Färsna farm" (Kurt Pettersson, Commission on Education, Sweden). UBC Environment and Youth commissions were presented.

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