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A Reprimand to All

I pity those who do not see that we are the creators of a New World. I pity those who do not feel our power and do not see our desire to create and form this new future for us, our children and grandchildren.

Knowledge has nothing to do with age. One can go through a lifetime without having found out one single thing, which can make a difference, while another can come up with one idea after the other. It is important to listen to what others have to say instead of being stuck with your own ideas and not being able to move forward from there.

I pity them because they are missing out on a whole lot. They are missing out on listening to our ideas because they think, "they know better".

Us youngsters need to set a good example when we enter our youth organizations. We need to make the older politicians open their eyes and see us for what we are.

Too many older (and wiser?) people see politics as a ballgame. All you have to do is get the ball in the net to get more points for yourself and maybe your team; yet mostly it is about earning prestige for yourself!

If you score, you get the credit for it, although someone else might have done all of the work up until the very last minute. And this, I must say, is the most superficial and shallow way of getting the job done! We need to go out there, do the job ourselves and make others see us for what we are; fighters!

Seeing politics as something you do for yourself is deeply wrong. Politics are about making things happen and making a difference for others and yourself. Do not ever do things to make yourself look good in the eyes of others, it will mostly have the opposite result.

That is also why we, as the new generation, need to learn from the older generation and take their ideas and analyze them before we throw them away, just as they can learn from us. We represent the youth of today, we make things happen, and it is us who have to live in the world they are about to create.

We have to make them listen, make them believe that we too have ideas and that we too are responsible people.

Be the way you are and bring your ideas to our New World. You, just as I am, are the flower of today's youth. Make your dreams come true. Make them listen!

Kristine Lund
Youth Council of Kolding
City of Kolding
Tel. +45 7930 1061
e-mail: ribn@kolding.dk

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