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SUSTAINMENT Final Conference, UBC Commission on Environment

SUSTAINMENT Final Conference

12-14 November, Gdansk

Dear UBC friend,

The SUSTAINMENT Final Conference, -URBANworks-, will take place 12-14 November in Gdansk, Poland. The Conference focuses on disseminating models and tools for European cities and municipalities to sustainably and effectively manage their city's development. It will gather our project partners from thirteen cities around the Baltic Sea, as well as other local, regional and national authorities interested in Integrated Solutions for Sustainability Management in cities.

The Conference will provide participants with opportunities to exchange experiences of how they have further developed or even reinvented the organisational units within their city administration to manage sustainable development of their city. The conference will feature partner-led in-depth discussions about successful methods, as well as challenges of seeking support and resources among the stakeholders for a forthcoming sustainability management unit. Other key issues include cross-sectoral cooperation, monitoring, and communication.

Individual forums for politicians will be held in parallel with
technical sessions. The conference will conclude with a General Forum, where political decision-makers, administrators and researchers from local, regional and national bodies will explore the new forms of sustainability management in the ever integrating world. URBANworks, an interactive guidance tool to support cities in this organisational development, will be launched.

For more information, please visit: http://www.sustainment-project.net/

You are very welcome to URBANworks!

with my best regards
Kyösti Lempa, project coordinator





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