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Joint Meeting of UBC Commissions on Cultures of Sustainability in Baltic Cities

Joint Meeting of UBC Cultural, Safe and Sustainable Cities Commissions on Cultures of Sustainability in Baltic Cities will be held in the City of Słupsk and the City of Ustka, Poland on 15th – 17th June 2016.

The meeting will focus on Sustainable Safe Cultural Events. Many cities are hosting large scale events like festivals, concerts, conferences and similar including high numbers of participants, big planning organizations and a high demand of communication and cooperation between the organizers and several municipal authorities (culture, safety, environmental, transport etc.) is needed.

These arrangements demand a lot of work and usually also demand a lot of permits. Furthermore the events are parts of a wider competition with other events and an import task is to be able to arrange events that are economically efficient and sustainable, especially if the events have an ongoing approach.

The events are also used for putting the cities on the map of tourists and in the branding of the cities.

Big, medium or small – all cities benefit from these events. The competition between cities can result in loss of sustainable focus. A smart way to proceed and make our events even more effective and  attractive is to look for good practices together!

This meeting will offer an efficient networking and dissemination opportunity for the cities to exchange experiences, learn from each others, discuss and develop possible common project ideas and establish co-operation. Together we The new ways will be found to develop safe and sustainable cultural events.

The participants are welcome to suggest topics of their interest to be discussed in relation to Cultures of Sustainability in Baltic Cities.

More information about the event will be delivered soon.

More info:

  • Björn Grönholm, Head of Sustainable Cities Commission Secretariat, Tel. +358 2 262 3172, skype: ubc.bjorn.gronholm, bjorn.gronholm@ubc.net
  • Invitation (80.44 KB)

Last modified: 03.03.2016 12:43
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