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"Baltic Culinary Route - Enjoy Baltic Cuisine!"

Dear UBC friends!

The UBC Commission on Tourism (CoT) carries out its own project entitled " Baltic Culinary Route - Enjoy Baltic Cuisine!"

Chairman of the CoT, who`s he author of this idea, presented it for the first time during a meeting of the Commission in Liepaja, October 2011. After this the objectives were discussed in Vilnius and in Koszalin, in the course of the next meetings of the Commission.

The members of CoT decided to share the results of this project with UBC member cities, not only in the form of publication on the UBC`s website but also in print.

We want to put out another catalogue of the UBC member cities, but this time dedicated to the culinary attractions of the Baltic Sea Region. Catalogue will consist of the first part with overall description, which will contain information about geography, nature, history and culinary traditions of the BSR and the second part, devoted to each UBC member city.

In connection with this project, we ask all our friends to help gather the relevant information. To the first part of the publication we kindly ask you to answer following questions:

What are the culinary traditions of your country? - What is most characteristic of this tradition? - What differs it from other countries in the Baltic Sea Region? - What dishes are characteristic for this tradition? - What is eaten? - How and when is eaten? – What time the meals are eaten? - How many meals consist of individual meals? - What beverages consumed with meals? - What are the most popular desserts? - Etc.

What are the culinary traditions of your region? - What is most characteristic of this tradition? - What differs it from other regions in your country? - What dishes are characteristic for this tradition? - What is eaten? - How and when is eaten? – What time the meals are eaten? - How many meals consist of individual meals? - What beverages consumed with meals? - What are the most popular desserts? - Etc.

What are the culinary traditions of your city? - What is most characteristic of this tradition? - What differs it from other cities in your country? - What dishes are characteristic for this tradition? - What is eaten? - How and when is eaten? – What time the meals are eaten? - How many meals consist of individual meals? - What beverages consumed with meals? - What are the most popular desserts? - Etc.

We will be very grateful for a brief but concise answers to these questions. We will appreciate it very much if you would deliver the answers latest by 05.11.2012.

Soon we will ask you for a specific information about local culinary attractions of the UBC member cities in order to create the second part of the guide.

With my kindest regards -

Ryszard Zdrojewski (MBA)
Prezes / CEO
Koszalinska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego KARR S.A. /
Regional Development Agency of Koszalin
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.karr.koszalin.pl" claiming to be www.karrsa.pl
Przewodniczący / Chairman
Związek Miast Bałtyckich / Union of the Baltic Cities
Komisja Turystyki / Commission on Tourism
PL-75-216 Koszalin
Ul. Przemysłowa 8
Tel./Fax +4894 34 751 78
Tel. +4894 34 163 30
Tel. +4894 34 368 14
Fax. +4894 34 160 88
Mob. +48 790 410 610

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