Gender mainstreaming in Malmö

by Jeanette Heilmann

Gender mainstreaming in Malmö means investing in the development of preschool and school skills on gender issues. In collaboration with the Malmö University, several school leaders and school staff have participated in research circles and seminars for professional development and mentoring. Gender educators exist as a resource and provide guidance and analytical work.

Within the leisure department there is also work being done so that girls and boys, men and women could have the same opportunities of meaningful leisure. This is to challenge gender-segregated activities (e.g. offering activities for both girls and boys) and to discourage discrimination based on sex in the voluntary sector.

Malmö's "Integrated domestic violence programme" has won wide appreciation and attention at both national and international level. The programme has been designated as one of Europe's best to prevent violence against women. But, there is still a lot to do before Malmö will be a city totally free from violence against women and children. Within"ConceptKarin"project in collaboration with the police department, the public prosecutor and the correctional system, a physical environment based on and adapted to the investigation of domestic violence and sexual abuse was established. As a result, women and children exposed to violence can meet with police officers, counsellors and the pathologist at the same location. The Crisis Centre for Children and Youth and one employee from the Crisis Centre for Men also work under the same roof. In the Crisis Centre for Men, there is an offer of counselling and therapy for example when relation problems exist and violence against a partner or a child is used. In the Crisis Centre for Children and Youth both the children and their parents get treatment to create a better relation in order to avoid future abuse."Concept Karin" plays an important role in disseminating knowledge about violence in intimate relationships and to develop new methods both at local and national level.

Gender equality is one of the starting points in the city's venture "The future of public transport". Balanced public transportation systems to serve as a link between work, leisure and home and be easily accessible and attractive to all citizens are obvious. In the city's efforts to develop public transport in Malmö, both sexes are taken into account. This is done to increase knowledge and awareness of gender equality forall personnel involved.

The City Council has adopted a gender mainstreaming scheme through its signature of the European Charter for equality of women and men in local life. A draft of a new development plan for gender mainstreaming is currently being consulted, and it is proposed to apply from now on until 2020.


Jeanette Heilmann,
City of Malmö
Phone: +46 40341260

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