X UBC General Conference adopted a new UBC Strategy 2010-2015

New UBC Strategy sharpens focus and trims the organisation

by Mikko Lohikoski

The UBC Strategy is entitled "Cities for a Sustainable and Prosperous Baltic Sea Region". The region has greatly changed since the adoption of the previous strategy in Klaipėda 2003. While much has been done to clean the Baltic Sea, it still is one of the most polluted bodies of brackish water in the world. Increasing sea traffic, especially oil tankers, is increasing the danger of serious environmental catastrophes.

Integration in the BSR has deepened as a result of the EU membership of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Creating conditions for economic growth and social development. North-Western territories of Russia, especially Sankt Petersburg and its environment, have taken great steps in their development. However, the world wide economic crisis has hit disproportionally hard the BSR, widening regional cleavages and causing severe problems. This situation calls for even closer collaboration. The UBC itself has also travelled a long way since its foundation in 1991. It is now a representative regional organisation with over 100 member cities, working effectively in a wide range of issues. By all definitions, it has been a successful organisation with a long, practical track record of achievements.

Vision -The Baltic Sea Region by 2015

The clear overall goals for the development of the BSR:

  • to overcome the adverse effects of the global financial and economic crisis and to regain its role as one of the fast-growing and prospering regions in Europe;
  • to stop the deterioration of the state of the Baltic Sea and start a gradual recovery process through joint action;
  • to take concrete measures to halt the climate change and promote sustainable development as envisaged in the new UBC Sustainability Ac tion Programme 2010-2015.
  • to deepen democratic processes and promote active citizenship, as well as tolerance and equal opportunities in member cities
  • to promote deeper cooperation and integra tion in the BSR, including the adjacent areas of Russian Federation.

UBC mission to serve member cities, promote region's interests

The UBC sees its role as the representative and recognised regional organisation of cities in the BSR. Its aim is to provide an open and goal-oriented platform for mutual cooperation and exchange.

UBC is working, through active networking to:

  • support its member cities in their development to achieve a high quality of life for their inhabi tants
  • promote the BSR as a dynamic, competitive and prosperous region
  • further the interest of the BSR and its cities in national and European decision-making.

The EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and related Action Programme, which are the first such comprehensive programmes for any European macro-region, create a natural framework for the attainment of these UBC goals.

"Ten commands" for UBC development 2010 - 2015

In its new Strategy, the UBC and its members acknowledge the need for renewing and streamlining of internal structures and working methods. The Strategy includes concrete goals and - for the first time - also includes clear methods about how to measure how we achieve these goals.


  • UBC shall be a key partner in promoting the EU Strategy for BSR
    The Executive Board is requested to define the priority areas and actions in its first meeting after a consultation with member cities and commissions.
  • Strengthening member city participation in UBC activities
    Goals include enhancing best practice experiences between cities, conducting surveys among member cities (2010 and 2014), and mobilising more political decision makers by organising a biennial Baltic Sea Urban Forum starting in 2010.
  • Increasing UBC membership and partnerships
    A systematic drive to gain new members shall be prepared. Likewise, guidelines for partnerships with other actors like companies are to be updated. Success is measured by a number of new members, partners and sponsorship funding.
  • Energizing and streamlining UBC Commission work, optimising use of resources
    Executive Board to formulate common criteria for evaluation of UBC Commission's work; financial support to be based on achievements. Commissions are encour aged to seek closer cooperation with each others, among others through estab lishing of joint Commission Secretariats to serve them effectively.
  • Promoting expert exchanges between member cities
    Executive Board, together with Commissions, to work out a plan for expert exchange programme between cities and for its practical implementation.
  • Enhancing UBC policy formulation and lobbying capacity
    UBC must be prepared to use all resources, including those of its member cities, to formulate policy papers, lobby at national and European levels and make its voice heard in national capitals and Brussels.
  • Systematic cooperation with partners in BSR, European level and internationally
    UBC shall define key areas of action and main partner organisations, and negoti ate concrete plans of cooperation with them for the implementation of common goals.
  • Raising public profile and visibility of UBC
    UBC's work is not yet known sufficiently. It needs a clearer and stronger brand. UBC shall work out a new Communication and Marketing Strategy to address this issue. In this, use of member cities' media channels will also be included.
  • Monitoring on Strategy Implementation
    Executive Board will create methods for systematic Strategy implementation and allocate responsibilities concerning it.
  • Invitation to joint action!
    UBC expresses its active readiness to cooperate with all partners working for our common future. Our common goal is a sustainable and prosperous Baltic Sea Region. Let us all make it a reality- by joint action!
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