Honest business in Kärdla

With the population of 3800, Estonian Kärdla is a small city on Hiiumaa Island. People earn their living both in the public or private sectors. As the life on Hiiumaa is very enjoyable, many local people have established here companies, which give work to many people.

The citizens of Hiiumaa prefer safe and stable life in every sense of the meaning. Is our city attractive? Of course it is. There is plenty of empty land. No skyscrapers, big supermarkets or spa-hotels. Yet, the nature is untouched, there are many forests, nature paths, bird-watching towers and secure living environment.

Living on the island has is very specific. Transport to the island and away from it takes time and resources. Big city centers are far from here. International investors think often long before coming to Hiiumaa. Many of them do not come at all, because the profitability could be smaller than in some other places. Hiiumaa is for those who appreciate other values than money only. Those values are clean nature, honest people and secure environment. People, including tourists are coming to Hiiumaa to rest, away from the riots of a big city. They have often a feeling that when they are sitting in a plane in Tallinn or in a ferry in Rohuküla harbour all worries will stay on the other side of the sea and they will arrive in the paradise.

It is a good place to live and to work here. No organized crime. Hard-working residents are sincere and honest. Even today car doors can stay unlocked during visit to shop, because you know that nobody will steal your car or valuables from the car. Kärdla was named in years 2000 - 2003 the safest city in Estonia. From business fields plastic and forest industry and tourism are mainly represented. Most of owners of private companies are local persons but we also have joint ventures and companies which are based on foreign capital. Quite common is that products go abroad. So almost every entrepreneur has or wishes to have partner or partners from abroad.

The investors are welcome on the Hiiumaa.

Further information:

Ms Annely Veevo
Project Manager


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