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In 1998 problem of domestic violence against women was discussed for the first time in Klaipëda. Since then a lot was done. The Social department prepared the Family Social Assistance Program that was approved by the City Council. The city carried out the project "Establishment and implementation of support system for women suffering from domestic violence and sexually abused children in Klaipëda City", financed by the American Peace Corps and the World Bank Small Grants Program.

There is no model or system how to provide help for women suffering from violence and for sexually abused children. Standpoints of society "Problems in family should stay in family" are changing but not quickly enough. Support, which is provided, is not co-ordinated and not efficient. Violent relations in family not only harm woman's life, but damage personality of a child and influence his/her future life. Increasing alienation, general recession of economy, scenes of violence on TV influence family life in negative way. If woman cannot feel safe at home, she cannot protect her child either. It is necessary to increase economic independence of women, responsibility of parents for their behaviour towards children not only in public places, but at home as well.

During the project four seminars were organised. Scientists of Klaipëda University, politicians, police, doctors, representatives of NGOs, social workers and employees of Children Rights Agency took part in the seminars. Experts of this field led the seminars, shared their experiences and presented Swedish expertise to end violence against woman and children. Also representatives of media were actively involved in all events. Aspecial TV program was prepared where victims of violence were sharing with their problems. Ten information stands and special information brochures were issued. They appeared to be very helpful for victims of violence. Social workers understood that there is a lack of special skills and information how to assist in the daily work against violence.

Klaipëda Municipality is grateful to Swedish partners who enable participating in the new project dealing with the problems of domestic violence, financed by SIDA. The city specialists will be able to establish links with the Swedish experts as well as institutions, which provide assistance to the victims of domestic violence in Sweden, and to improve their qualifications and skills.

Further information:

Ms Audrone Liesyte
City of Klaipëda
Tel. +370 6410843
e-mail: rupyba@klaipeda.lt



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