Fossil fuel free Växjö

In 1996 the Växjö City Council concluded that the climate problem is the most important global environmental issue, which, however, has to be solved on the local level. Therefore the council unanimously decided that Växjö should become a Fossil Fuel Free City with the intermediate goal of decreasing per capita emissions of Fossil CO2 down to 2.3 tonnes per year, which is about one quarter of EU15's average emissions.

Starting in 1980 from an estimated value of 6.0 - 6.5 tonnes of fossil CO2 per capita per year, the 2004 value was 3,46 tonnes. Positive results of all small and big efforts in this area soon triggered a multitude of international technical visits in Växjö, once-per week on average. The city invited Växjö Energy Ltd, Växjö University, the Regional Energy Office and several manufacturers to participate in the presentations and soon the co-operation was formalised in a cluster with the brand name BioEnergy Smaland - Expo Växjö.

"Many of our visitors already have the Know-How, but we have the Show-How. We believe that seeing is believing". Therefore a very important step in a new project is a technical visit in Växjö. Within an hour from the city all aspects of forestry and the use of bio-energy - can be studied on small and large scales". However, in spite of all the success in the heating and power areas much remains to be done in the transport area. Växjö has managed to slightly lower the emissions from transports by introducing all sorts of environmentally friendly vehicles and mixing 5 % Ethanol in all petrol sold - well knowing that Ethanol is a short time solution.

In 1996 the municipality, Växjö Energy Ltd and Växjö University initiated a number of bio-DME (Di-Methyl-Ether) projects. The results of the Växjö efforts are not only the heating sector based 90 % on biomass or total energy consumption based 50 % on renewable energy sources, but also creation of new jobs and export business.

by Mr T Lennart Gardmark

Further information:

Mr T Lennart Gardmark
Head of International Office
City of Växjö
phone: +46 705 746 772

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