Focus on Culture

The political and economic cooperation in the EU is crucial to the development of the European community. However, from the point of view of the towns, the overall cooperation in the EU is primarily an "outside" influence because the individual towns are rarely directly involved in the decision-making processes. Nevertheless, the towns play an active role, but their main contribution to the EU is through the communities of interests they are part of.

Kolding has a long tradition of openness and cultural diversity because its politicians have always believed strongly that people share visions and wishes across the borders. Our attitude is that it is through this "inside" influence, through the towns' active participation in communities that the people of Europe unite.

We had the great pleasure of hosting Festival 2003 - theatre for children and young people. This event gave both theatre people and children the opportunity to experience literally all sorts of theatre and to gain mutual, cross-cultural inspiration. For a time, 18,000 visitors and 100 guests from the theatre industry turned Kolding into an international "playground" for children of all ages. Events for children and young people are particularly important since children and young people and their mutual understanding are the foundation of the common European future.

The cultural exchange programme Hamburg to Denmark 2003 (a follow-up on 2000), which presented Hamburg's art and cultural life in Denmark, was another culmination. The cultural exchange was a fine example of international, national and regional cooperation as it was carried out in cooperation between Hamburg, Copenhagen, The Danish Cultural Institute and the Triangle Region Denmark, which Kolding is part of.

The two events were brilliant examples of art and culture speaking a universal language capable of bringing together people of different nationalities. And to all involved they emphasised that we were more than physical neighbours and political and economic partners - that we are also united by common circumstances and that we share a curiosity which makes us look for new experiences.

With the EU facing a significant and promising Eastern enlargement, my personal advice is the following: Focus on the communities of interests and cultural cooperation. It is through them that the European people meet and find mutual understanding, respect and tolerance.

Further information:

Mr Stefan Birkebjerg Andersen
City of Kolding
Tel. +45 79 301000




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