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From the 9th to the 10th of June 2001 the City of Vaasa will for the second time be organizing a Nationwide Adventure Race for young people between 15 to 19 years of age. An International Adventure Race is being planned to take place in Vaasa next year.

The idea for the race was born from a need to offer meaningful activities for the weekends soon after schools break up for the summer, a period which has often proved to be very problematic. Our purpose was to find activities which would be meaningful and challenging enough to appeal to young people and motivate them to participate.

At the time the idea of the Adventure Race for young people was created people were more and more interested in looking for adventure and experience as a pastime activity and a way to keep fit. Also in Finland Adventure Races have already been organized for a few years and activities involving adventure and experience have been used as part of education since the beginning of the 90's. After these experiences it was only a question of time when the idea of the Adventure Race for young people would see the daylight.

In June 2000 we organized the first race covering 100 kilometres. The race attracted a very heterogenious group. Nine teams of 35 young people wandered in the woods and used the waterways of Vaasa and Mustasaari. The physical fitness of the participants was very varied. Some were students of the senior high school specializing in orienteering. They had exercised a lot. The other extreme consisted of young people who had had hardly any other exercise than occasional walks to school. All in all we were greatly surprised to see that of those 35 who started off 34 finished the race. The greatest surprise of all was the fact that even those who did not believe to make it actually did.

The race this year covers 120 kilometres and includes at least the following events: roller skating, orienteering/running, paddling, all terrain biking, water and climbing events. The race starts on Saturday morning at about 8 o'clock and breaks up for the night around 10 o'clock p.m. On Sunday the race goes on with the final 40 kilometres from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Considering the young age of the competitors special attention is paid to security.

Our aim this year just as in previous years is to give every participant a souvenir and a prize to take home. It is very important to notice every participant particularly when we want to suggest also in practice that the idea is not to win but participate and do one's best.

In short, during the second weekend in June there will again be a joyful meeting in Vaasa and everybody will be richer with these many experiences.

Further information:

Mr Pertti Viitala
City of Vaasa
e-mail: pertti.viitala@vaasa



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