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Enquiry on cross border business parks

Enquiry of the municipality of Coevorden regarding cross border business parks

Dear members and friends of the AEBR,

We would like to send you an enquiry from the Dutch municipality of Coevorden that would like to exchange experiences with border and cross-border regions regarding cross-border business parks with the aim to check if there could be also a possibility to initiate a project regarding this subject.

In the municipality of Coevorden and its German neighbour municipality Emlichheim, there is the cross-border industrial park „Europark Coevorden GVZ-Emlichheim GmbH“. In practice, the industrial park is confronted with several problems resulting for example from the different legal regulations in the Netherlands and in Germany. The municipality of Coevorden would like to get in contact with border regions who have made similar experiences and to examine if maybe a common project on this subject could be developed (e. g. in the framework of Interreg Europe).

If you are interested in this initiative, we would kindly ask you to answer in brief the following two questions (preferably in English):

- Is there a cross border business park in your border region? If so, please let us have the name and contact details.

- Which problems and obstacles are known to you confronting this cross border business park?

Please send your feedback to the AEBR General Secretariat in Gronau (a.winkler@aebr.eu) as well as to Mrs. Eveline Simon from the municipality Coevorden (e.simon@coevorden.nl). We would kindly ask you to send your reply until 20th October at the latest.

With our best regards

Your AEBR Team

Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Europäischer Grenzregionen AGEG) e.V.
Association des régions frontalières européennes (ARFE)
Asociación de Regiones Fronterizas Europeas (ARFE)

Enscheder Str. 362
D-48599 Gronau
Tel: +49 2562 702-19
Fax: +49 2562 702-59
Registry no. 5420, Local Court of Coesfeld/Germany
Freundliche Grüße / Best regards / Meilleures salutations

Simone Göcken
Office Assistant
Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Europäischer Grenzregionen AGEG) e.V.
Association des régions frontalières européennes (ARFE)
Asociación de Regiones Fronterizas Europeas (ARFE)

Enscheder Str. 362
D-48599 Gronau
Tel: +49 2562 702-19
Fax: +49 2562 702-59
Registry no. 5420, Local Court of Coesfeld/Germany

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