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Baltic Culinary Route - CoT`s new project

Dear UBC Friends,

Commission on Tourism will implement the project called "Baltic Culinary Route - Enjoy Baltic Cuisine". Its main aim is to promote the traditional cuisine of the Baltic Sea Region and to develop the tourist offer of that area. Therefore we are asking you to send us the information about the culinary traditions of your region. We are particularly interested in the concrete places/restaurants were this tradition is cultivated as well as we would like to make contact with people who are connected with the traditional cuisine.

Please send us, as soon as possible:
1) Information about culinary tradition in your region,
2) Contact data (e-mail, website, telephone) to places or people.
We will be very grateful for your contribution for the project.
You are kindly asked to send the information to both, me (r.zdrojewski@karrsa.pl) and Joanna Minkiewicz (j.minkiewicz@karrsa.pl).

pozdrawiam / kind regards

Ryszard Zdrojewski (MBA)
Prezes / CEO

Koszalinska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego KARR S.A. / Regional Development Agency of Koszalin
Przewodniczący / Chairman
Związek Miast Bałtyckich / Union of the Baltic Cities
Komisja Turystyki / Commission on Tourism

PL-75-216 Koszalin
Ul. Przemysłowa 8
Tel./Fax +4894 34 751 78
Tel. +4894 34 163 30
Tel. +4894 34 368 14
Fax. +4894 34 160 88
Mob. +48 790 410 610

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